In VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), the `Replace` function is used to replace occurrences of a substring with a new string within a given input string.
Here is the syntax of the `Replace` function:
Replace(expression, find, replacewith, [start, [count, [compare]]])
- `expression`: The string that you want to search within.
- `find`: The substring you want to find.
- `replacewith`: The substring you want to use to replace `find`.
- `start`: Optional. The position within `expression` to start the search. If omitted, the search begins at the first character.
- `count`: Optional. The number of occurrences to replace. If omitted, all occurrences will be replaced.
- `compare`: Optional. The type of comparison to perform. It can be `vbBinaryCompare` or `vbTextCompare` or `vbDatabaseCompare`. If omitted, `vbBinaryCompare` is used.
Here is an example of how to use the `Replace` function in VBA:
Sub ExampleReplace()
Dim originalString As String
Dim searchString As String
Dim replaceString As String
Dim resultString As String
' The string in which we want to replace substrings
originalString = "Hello World. World is great."
' The substring we want to replace
searchString = "World"
' The substring we'll replace it with
replaceString = "Universe"
' Using the Replace function
resultString = Replace(originalString, searchString, replaceString)
' Output the result
MsgBox resultString ' Output will be "Hello Universe. Universe is great."
End Sub
In this example, we are replacing all instances of “World” with “Universe” in the provided `originalString`.
You would put this code in a new module inside the VBA editor in either Excel, Access, or another Office application that supports VBA. To run the code, press F5 within the VBA editor or create a button in the application interface that runs the `ExampleReplace` subroutine when clicked.