- Declare the constant at the top of your module, before any procedures, using the #Const keyword followed by the constant name and its value.
- Use the #If, #ElseIf, #Else, and #End If directives to conditionally compile code based on the value of the compile-time constant.
In the example above, if you set FeatureEnabled to True, the first MsgBox statement will be included in the compiled code, and the second one will be excluded. Conversely, if you set FeatureEnabled to False, the first MsgBox statement will be excluded from the compiled code, and the second one will be included.
Using #Const and conditional compilation is particularly useful when you want to include debug code in your development environment but exclude it from the production version, or when you have code that should only be compiled for specific versions of an application or under certain circumstances.
' Declare a compile-time constant
#Const FeatureEnabled = True
Sub ConditionalCompilingDemo()
' Use the #If directive to check the compile-time constant
#If FeatureEnabled Then
' This code block will only compile if FeatureEnabled is True
MsgBox "The feature is enabled!", vbInformation
' This code block will compile if FeatureEnabled is False
MsgBox "The feature is disabled.", vbInformation
#End If
End Sub