In VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), the Time function is used to get the current system time. You don’t need to pass any arguments to the function; it will return the current time as a Variant of subtype Date.
To use the Time function, you can simply call it in your code and assign the value it returns to a variable.
Here is an example:
Sub DisplayCurrentTime()
Dim currentTime As Variant
currentTime = Time
MsgBox "The current time is: " & Format(currentTime, "hh:mm:ss AM/PM")
End Sub
The Format function is used to format the time in a more human-readable form, with hours, minutes, seconds, and AM/PM indicator.
Remember that the time returned by the Time function will be in the time format of your system settings. If you need the time in a specific format, use the Format function as shown above, or use the Hour, Minute, and Second functions to extract specific components of the time and then concatenate them as you wish.
The Time function is often used together with the Date function, which returns the current system date, to form a DateTime:
Sub DisplayCurrentDateTime()
Dim currentDateTime As Variant
currentDateTime = Now ' Alternatively, you can use Date + Time
MsgBox "The current date and time is: " & currentDateTime
End Sub
In this example, the Now function is used, which is a combination of both Date and Time functions. Using Now is the same as adding the results of the Date and Time together, and it gives you the current date and time.