How to use Let statement in VBA?

In VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), the Let statement is used for assignment. However, it’s important to note that the use of Let is optional and not commonly seen in modern VBA code. Assigning a value to a variable in VBA can be done with or without the Let keyword.

Using Let for Assignment

Let variable = value
  • variable: The name of the variable you’re assigning a value to.
  • value: The value you’re assigning to the variable.

Example with Let

Sub ExampleWithLet()
    Dim myVar As Integer
    Let myVar = 10
    MsgBox myVar
End Sub

Example without Let

Sub ExampleWithoutLet()
    Dim myVar As Integer
    myVar = 10
    MsgBox myVar
End Sub
Both of these examples do the same thing: they assign the value 10 to myVar and then display this value in a message box.

Key Points

  • The Let keyword is optional in VBA and is rarely used in modern code.
  • Most VBA code simply assigns values to variables without using Let.
  • Whether you use Let or not is mostly a matter of personal preference or coding style. However, omitting it is more common and aligns with contemporary practices.
  • The Let keyword is more of a holdover from older versions of BASIC and is included in VBA for compatibility and historical reasons.
In summary, while you can use the Let statement for assigning values to variables in VBA, it’s typically omitted in modern VBA programming.

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