How to use IsObject function in VBA?

The IsObject function in VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) is used to determine if a variable is an object type. The purpose of the IsObject function is to avoid run-time errors that might occur if you try to perform an object-specific operation on a non-object.



Sub CheckIfObject()
    Dim potentiallyAnObject As Variant
    Dim regularVariable As Integer
    ' Assign a new Collection (which is an object) to the variant
    Set potentiallyAnObject = New Collection
    ' Check if potentiallyAnObject is an Object
    If IsObject(potentiallyAnObject) Then
        MsgBox "potentiallyAnObject is an object"
        MsgBox "potentiallyAnObject is not an object"
    End If
    ' regularVariable is not an object, it's an integer
    regularVariable = 10
    If Not IsObject(regularVariable) Then
        MsgBox "regularVariable is not an object"
    End If
End Sub

  • We declare two variables, potentiallyAnObject as Variant which can hold both object and non-object types and regularVariable as Integer which can hold numbers.
  • We create a New Collection (a collection is a type of object in VBA) and assign it to the potentiallyAnObject variable.
  • We then use IsObject to check if potentiallyAnObject is indeed an object. Since we have assigned a Collection object to it, the message box will confirm that it is an object.
  • For the regularVariable, which is not an object, IsObject will return False.

Remember that IsObject only checks if the variable is an object; it does not verify the type of the object. If you need to ensure that an object is of a specific type, you would need to use TypeName or TypeOf.

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