How to use Input # statement in VBA?

The Input # statement in VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) is used for reading data from a file opened in Input mode. It enables you to read strings or variables from a file into your VBA program. Here’s a basic overview of how to use it:

Steps to Use Input #

  • Open the File: Before you can read from a file, you must open it using the Open statement.
  • Read Data Using Input #: Once the file is open, you can use Input # to read the data.
  • Close the File: Always remember to close the file after you’re done reading from it.


Here’s a simple example to illustrate the use of Input #:
Sub ReadFromFile()
    Dim filePath As String
    Dim fileNum As Integer
    Dim data As String

    filePath = "C:pathtoyourfile.txt"  ' Specify the file path
    fileNum = FreeFile()                   ' Get an available file number

    ' Open the file for input
    Open filePath For Input As #fileNum

    ' Read data from the file
    Input #fileNum, data

    ' Close the file
    Close #fileNum

    ' Display the read data
    MsgBox data
End Sub
In this example:
  • We define the file path and get a free file number using FreeFile().
  • We open the file for input.
  • Using Input #, we read data from the file into the variable data.
  • After reading, we close the file.
  • Finally, we display the read data in a message box.


  • The Input # statement reads data as it’s formatted in the file, which means it expects the same format as it was written with, typically using Write #.
  • When reading strings, Input # expects them to be enclosed in quotation marks as they usually are in files written with Write #.
  • If the data in the file doesn’t match the expected format, an error may occur.
  • Always handle potential errors, especially when dealing with file operations.
  • Remember to close the file after finishing the reading process to release the file resources.

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