- Assigning strings to fixed-length string variables: It allows you to assign a string to a fixed-length string variable. If the string is shorter than the fixed length, it’s padded with spaces. If it’s longer, it’s truncated.
- Copying data in user-defined types: It can also be used to copy the data from one user-defined type variable to another, provided they are of the same type.
Assigning Strings to Fixed-length String Variables
Dim fixedStr As String * 10 ' Declare a fixed-length string
Dim variableStr As String
variableStr = "Hello"
LSet fixedStr = variableStr ' Assign to the fixed-length string
' fixedStr now contains "Hello " (with padding spaces)
Copying Data in User-Defined Types
First, you need to define a user-defined type:VBA
Then, you can use LSet to copy data between variables of this type:
Type MyType
Field1 As Integer
Field2 As String * 5
End Type
Dim var1 As MyType, var2 As MyType
' Initialize var1
var1.Field1 = 10
var1.Field2 = "Hi"
LSet var2 = var1 ' Copy var1 to var2
' Now var2.Field1 is 10 and var2.Field2 is "Hi "
Important Notes:
- The LSet statement works with fixed-length strings and user-defined types. It’s not suitable for variable-length strings or other data types.
- For user-defined types, the types must be exactly the same. You cannot copy data between different types using LSet.
- When copying strings, be aware of the padding/truncating behavior. This can be particularly important when dealing with data that needs precise formatting.