How to use UPPER function in Excel?

The UPPER function in Excel is used to convert all letters in a specified text string to uppercase. Here’s how you can use it:

  • Open Your Excel Workbook:

Start by opening the Excel workbook where you want to use the UPPER function.

  • Identify the Text:

Determine which cell or text you want to convert to uppercase. This could be a cell address like A1, a text string directly entered into the function, or even the result of another formula.

  • Insert the UPPER Function:

Click on the cell where you want the uppercase result to appear.

  • Enter the Formula:

Type `=UPPER(` to start the function, and then specify the text you want to convert. There are a few ways to do this:

  • Close the Parenthesis:

Complete the formula by typing `)`.

  • Press Enter:

Press the Enter key, and the cell will display the text in uppercase.

Here’s an example to illustrate:

  • Suppose you have the text “excel” in cell A1, and you want to convert it to uppercase in cell B1.
  • You would click on cell B1, type the formula `=UPPER(A1)`, and press Enter.
  • Cell B1 will then display “EXCEL”.

Remember that the UPPER function only affects letters within the text. Numbers, punctuation, and spaces are not altered.

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