Basic Syntax
testexpression is evaluated once, and its value is compared with the values specified in the Case statements.
Select Case testexpression
Case expression1
' Code to run when testexpression matches expression1
Case expression2
' Code to run when testexpression matches expression2
' ...
Case Else
' Code to run if testexpression does not match any above cases
End Select
Example Usage
Imagine you want to display a message based on the value of a variable dayOfWeek:VBA
This code will display “Wednesday” in a message box.
Dim dayOfWeek As Integer
dayOfWeek = 3 ' For example, 3 represents Wednesday
Select Case dayOfWeek
Case 1
MsgBox "Monday"
Case 2
MsgBox "Tuesday"
Case 3
MsgBox "Wednesday"
Case 4
MsgBox "Thursday"
Case 5
MsgBox "Friday"
Case 6
MsgBox "Saturday"
Case 7
MsgBox "Sunday"
Case Else
MsgBox "Invalid day"
End Select
Using Multiple Values in a Single Case
You can specify multiple values for a single Case separated by commas:VBA
This code assigns a letter grade based on a score.
Select Case score
Case 90 To 100
grade = "A"
Case 80 To 89
grade = "B"
Case 70 To 79
grade = "C"
Case Else
grade = "F"
End Select
Using Range of Values
You can also use a range of values in a Case statement using To:VBA
Select Case temperature
Case -273 To 0
MsgBox "Below freezing"
Case 1 To 100
MsgBox "Above freezing and below boiling"
Case 101 To 1000
MsgBox "Above boiling"
Case Else
MsgBox "Invalid temperature"
End Select
Using Expressions
Case statements can also include expressions:VBA
Select Case age
Case Is < 13
category = "Child"
Case Is < 20
category = "Teenager"
Case Is < 65
category = "Adult"
Case Else
category = "Senior"
End Select