How to use T function in Excel?

The `T` function in Excel is a somewhat less commonly used function, primarily because it’s quite specific in its application. The `T` function is used to return the text part of a given reference or value, and if the reference or value is not text, it returns an empty string. This can be useful in situations where you need to ensure that only text values are processed or displayed.


  • value: This is the value you want to test. It can be a cell reference, a text string, a number, etc.

How It Works

  • If the `value` is text, the function returns the text.
  • If the `value` is not text (i.e., a number, a date, logical value, or an error), the function returns an empty string (`””`).

Example Usage

Let’s say you have some data in Excel and you want to extract only the text:

  • Simple Text Extraction:

Assume you have numbers, text, and dates in range `A1:A5`.

| A |


| 12345 |

| Hello |

| 03/04/2023 |

| World |

| 67890 |

In cell `B1`, you enter the formula:


Drag the fill handle down to `B5` to fill the formula down.

After applying the formula, your results in column `B` will look like:

| B |


| |

| Hello |

| |

| World |

| |

  • Using in Combination with Other Functions:

The `T` function can also be used in combination with other functions where you need to check the type of data, for example in conditional formulas.

Practical Notes

  • The `ISTEXT` function in Excel checks whether a value is text and returns `TRUE` or `FALSE`, while `T` returns the text part or an empty string. Depending on your needs, either could be appropriate.
  • `T` is less commonly used because Excel formulas can often handle text and numbers without needing explicit conversion. However, it can be useful in ensuring outputs are strictly text.
  • For many practical purposes, the `T` function is not necessary because Excel generally does a good job of handling text without needing explicit conversion functions, but it can be helpful in some specific formula constructs or data-cleansing tasks.

Always consider your specific use-case to determine the best way to integrate `T` if needed.

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