In VBA, the `Seek` function is used to find out the current position of the file pointer in an open file or to set the position for the next read/write operation within a file opened using the `Open` statement in binary mode.
Here’s how to use the `Seek` function:
- Open a file using the `Open` statement with Binary, Input, or Output mode.
- Use `Seek` to either retrieve or set the position of the file pointer.
To get the current position:
Dim fileNumber As Integer
Dim currentPosition As Long
fileNumber = FreeFile() ' Get the next available file number
Open "C:pathtoyourfile.txt" For Binary Access Read As #fileNumber
currentPosition = Seek(fileNumber) ' Retrieve the current position
Close #fileNumber
To set a new position:
Dim fileNumber As Integer
Dim newPosition As Long
fileNumber = FreeFile() ' Get the next available file number
Open "C:pathtoyourfile.txt" For Binary Access Write As #fileNumber
newPosition = 100 ' Example of the new position you want to set
Seek #fileNumber, newPosition ' Set the new position
' Now you can read from or write to the file at the new position
' ...
Close #fileNumber
Please note the following:
- When using `Seek` to set a new position, if you specify a position beyond the current end-of-file, the file size is increased to accommodate the new position and the intervening bytes are filled with zeros.
- When you use `Seek` in conjunction with files opened for `Binary` access, you can move to any position within the file and read or write bytes from that position.
- When you use `Seek` with files opened for `Input` or `Output`, you are dealing with records rather than arbitrary byte positions.
It’s important to handle errors when dealing with file operations, so consider using `On Error` statements to catch any unexpected problems, and always ensure you close files after you’re done with them to avoid locking the file or leaking system resources.