How to use MODE function in Excel?

The MODE function in Excel is used to find the most frequently occurring number in a range or array of numbers. Here’s how to use it:


=MODE(number1, [number2], ...)
  • number1, number2, …: These are the arguments where you want to calculate the mode. You can input numbers, cell references, or ranges.

Steps to Use the MODE Function

  • Open Excel: Start by opening your Excel worksheet where you want to use the MODE function.
  • Select a Cell: Click on the cell where you want the result of the MODE function to appear.
  • Enter the Function: Type `=MODE(` into the formula bar.
  • Input Data Range/Values: Add the range or individual numbers you want to evaluate. For example, if you want to find the mode of numbers in cells A1 through A10, you would write:

If you want to find the mode of a set of individual numbers, you might write:

   =MODE(4, 2, 5, 2, 3, 4, 2)
  • Close Parenthesis and Press Enter: Finish the function with a closing parenthesis `)` and press `Enter`.

Important Notes

  • Multiple Modes: If your dataset contains multiple modes (i.e., more than one number appears with the most frequency), the MODE function will return the first mode it encounters.
  • Empty Range or No Mode: If the range is empty or if there is no repeated number in the dataset, MODE will return a `#N/A` error.
  • Non-numeric Values: Non-numeric values in a range are ignored by the MODE function.


  • Single Cell Range:

If you have numbers in cells B1 through B5, and you want to find the most common value:

  • Multiple Ranges:

To find the mode in numbers located in different ranges, such as between A1 to A10 and B1 to B10, you can use:

  =MODE(A1:A10, B1:B10)

Alternative Functions

  • MODE.SNGL: In Excel 2010 and later, you can use `MODE.SNGL`, which works exactly like `MODE`.
  • MODE.MULT: If you’re using Excel 2010 or later and want to return multiple modes, you can use the `MODE.MULT` function in an array formula.

This should help you effectively find and use the mode in your datasets in Excel.

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