How to use MINUTE function in Excel?

The `MINUTE` function in Excel is used to extract the minute component from a given time. It returns a number between 0 and 59, representing the minute of the hour.


  • serial_number: This is the time value from which you want to extract the minute. It can be a date-time value, a reference to a cell containing a date-time value, or a result of other functions or calculations that yield a time.

Example Usage

  • Extracting Minutes from a Time Value:

Suppose you have a time value `10:45:30 AM` in cell `A1`. To extract the minute, you can use:


This formula will return `45`, as that is the minute component of the time value.

  • Using with NOW function:

If you want to find the current minute at the moment the function calculates, you could use:


This will return the current minute of the hour based on your system’s clock.

  • Using with TEXT as Time:

If you have a text string like `”03:20:15 PM”` and want to extract the minutes, you can use:

   =MINUTE(TIMEVALUE("03:20:15 PM"))

The `TIMEVALUE` function converts the text string into a time value, and then `MINUTE` extracts the minute part.

Points to Remember

  • The `minute` function only works with time values that Excel recognizes. If you input a text string, it needs to be converted to a time value using the `TIMEVALUE` function.
  • If the `serial_number` argument is not a valid date-time value, `MINUTE` will return a `#VALUE!` error.

This function is particularly useful when analyzing or extracting specific parts of date-time data in schedules, logs, or any data set involving time components.

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