The syntax for the DeleteSetting statement is as follows:VBA
DeleteSetting appname, section, [key]
- appname is the name of your application. This is the same name you’ve used in the SaveSetting statement when you added the settings to the Registry.
- section is the section within your application’s settings where the key is stored.
- key (optional) is the specific setting within the section that you want to delete. If you omit key, the entire section, including all keys within that section, will be deleted.
Example Usage
Suppose you previously saved some settings for your application using SaveSetting, and now you want to delete one of these settings:VBA
In this example, the DeleteSetting statement removes the Username key from the Settings section of MyVBAApp from the Windows Registry.
If you want to delete the entire Settings section, you can omit the key parameter:
' Save a setting
SaveSetting "MyVBAApp", "Settings", "Username", "JohnDoe"
' Later in the code, delete the setting
DeleteSetting "MyVBAApp", "Settings", "Username"
This will remove the entire Settings section, including all keys and values within it, for the MyVBAApp application.
DeleteSetting "MyVBAApp", "Settings"
Points to Consider
- Windows Registry Caution: Modifying the Windows Registry should be done with caution. Incorrect use of the Registry can cause problems with your application or even with Windows.
- Application-Specific: The DeleteSetting statement only affects settings that were created by your VBA application using the SaveSetting statement. It does not affect other settings in the Registry.
- Use in Trusted Applications: Only use DeleteSetting in applications where you fully control or understand the settings being manipulated.
- Testing: Always thoroughly test your code that interacts with the Registry in a controlled environment before deploying it in a production environment.