How to update a PivotTable when source data changes using VBA?

To update a PivotTable in Excel when the source data changes using VBA, you can write a macro that refreshes the PivotTable. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do this:

   Sub RefreshPivotTable()
       Dim ws As Worksheet
       Dim pt As PivotTable
       ' Change "Sheet1" to the name of your sheet containing the PivotTable.
       Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
       ' If there's only one PivotTable on the worksheet, you can refer to it by its index [1].
       ' Otherwise, use the name of the PivotTable: ws.PivotTables("PivotTableName").
       Set pt = ws.PivotTables(1)
       ' Refresh the PivotTable.
       ' Alternatively, to refresh all PivotTables on the worksheet, use the following:
       ' For Each pt In ws.PivotTables
       '     pt.RefreshTable
       ' Next pt
       MsgBox "PivotTable refreshed successfully!"
   End Sub
  • Open the VBA Editor: Press `ALT + F11` in Excel to open the Visual Basic for Applications editor.
  • Insert a Module: Right-click on any of the items in the Project Explorer, select `Insert`, and then `Module`. This will create a new module.
  • Write the VBA Code: In the module, write a subroutine to refresh the PivotTable. Here’s a basic code example:
  • Customize the Code:
    • Change `”Sheet1″` to the actual name of the worksheet where your PivotTable is located.
    • If you have multiple PivotTables and you want to refresh a specific one, use `ws.PivotTables(“PivotTableName”)` instead of `ws.PivotTables(1)`.
    • You can also modify the message at the end or remove it if you don’t want a notification.
  • Run the Macro: You can now run the macro to refresh your PivotTable. Press `F5` within the VBA editor or go back to Excel, open the `Developer` tab, click `Macros`, select `RefreshPivotTable`, and click `Run`.

This VBA script automates the process of refreshing your PivotTable(s) whenever the underlying data changes, ensuring that your analyses and reports are always up to date with the latest information.

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