Calculating running totals in a PivotTable using VBA involves using the PivotTable object model to set the appropriate options. Here’s a step-by-step guide to achieve this through VBA:
Step 1: Create a PivotTable
Before you can calculate running totals, you need to ensure the PivotTable is already created. Normally, you can record a macro while creating one to understand the VBA code necessary to create a PivotTable.
Step 2: Set Up VBA Code for Running Totals
Assuming you have an existing PivotTable, you can adjust the data field settings to display running totals. Here is a basic VBA script to configure a running total:
Sub AddRunningTotalToPivotTable()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim pf As PivotField
Dim dataFieldName As String
Dim baseFieldName As String
' Define your worksheet and PivotTable names
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") ' Change to your sheet name
Set pt = ws.PivotTables("PivotTable1") ' Change to your PivotTable name
' Define the data field and base field names
dataFieldName = "Sales" ' Change to your data field name
baseFieldName = "Month" ' Change to your base field name
' Access the data field you want to change
With pt.PivotFields(dataFieldName)
' Set calculation to running total
.Calculation = xlRunningTotal
' Set the base field for the running total
.BaseField = baseFieldName
End With
MsgBox "Running total set for " & dataFieldName & " based on " & baseFieldName
End Sub
Key Points:
- Worksheet and PivotTable References:
- Adjust the `ws` and `pt` variables to point to the correct worksheet and PivotTable in your workbook.
- Data Field and Base Field:
- `dataFieldName` is the field you want to calculate the running total for (usually a numeric field).
- `baseFieldName` is the field used as the base for calculation, typically a time-based field like “Month” or “Date”.
- Running Total Calculation:
- The `.Calculation` property is set to `xlRunningTotal` to enable the running total.
- The `.BaseField` specifies the field over which the running total is calculated.
- Error Handling:
- You might want to include error handling to ensure that your specified fields and tables exist.
This VBA script will modify an existing PivotTable to display a running total for a specified data field based on a base field like time or another category. Adjust the worksheet, PivotTable, and field names as per your dataset.