To add a field to the Values area of a PivotTable using VBA, you would need to access the PivotTable object and use the `PivotFields` collection to add the desired field to the `DataFields`. Here’s a step-by-step guide and example code:
- Identify the PivotTable: First, ensure you have the correct reference to the PivotTable you wish to modify. You can access it through the worksheet containing the PivotTable.
- Access the PivotFields: Get the specific field you want to add to the Values area.
- Add the Field to DataFields: Use the `PivotTable.AddDataField` method to add the field to the Values area.
Here is an example of how you could do this in VBA:
Sub AddFieldToValuesArea()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim pf As PivotField
' Set the worksheet and PivotTable
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") ' Change "Sheet1" to your sheet name
Set pt = ws.PivotTables("PivotTable1") ' Change "PivotTable1" to your PivotTable name
' Set the PivotField you want to add to the Values area
Set pf = pt.PivotFields("Sales") ' Change "Sales" to the field name you want to add
' Add the field to the Values area
pt.AddDataField pf, "Sum of Sales", xlSum
' Change "Sum of Sales" to the caption you prefer and xlSum to the desired aggregation function
End Sub
Key Points:
- Worksheet and PivotTable Names: Make sure to replace `”Sheet1″` and `”PivotTable1″` with your actual worksheet and PivotTable names.
- Field Name: Replace `”Sales”` with the name of the field you want to add to the Values area.
- Caption and Function: The second parameter of `AddDataField` is the caption for the Values field, and `xlSum` is the aggregation function (you can use other functions like `xlCount`, `xlAverage`, etc., depending on your needs).
- Error Handling: It’s good practice to include error handling (not shown in the basic example) to manage cases where the field might not exist or the PivotTable might not be found.