How to add a field to the rows area of a PivotTable using VBA?

To add a field to the Rows area of a PivotTable using VBA in Excel, you’ll need to access the PivotTable object and modify its PivotFields accordingly. Below is a step-by-step guide and a sample VBA code snippet that demonstrates how to achieve this:

  • Access the PivotTable: Identify the worksheet and the PivotTable you want to manipulate.
  • Define the PivotField: Specify the field that you want to add to the Rows area.
  • Add the Field to the Rows Area: Use the `AddFields` method to add the desired field to the Rows area.

Here is an example of how you can write a VBA macro to add a field to the Rows area of a PivotTable:

Sub AddFieldToRowsArea()

    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim pt As PivotTable
    Dim pf As PivotField
    Dim ptName As String
    Dim fieldName As String

    ' Specify the name of the worksheet containing the PivotTable
    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")

    ' Specify the name of the PivotTable
    ptName = "PivotTable1"

    ' Specify the field name you want to add to the Rows area
    fieldName = "YourFieldName"

    ' Access the PivotTable
    Set pt = ws.PivotTables(ptName)

    ' Find the PivotField
    Set pf = pt.PivotFields(fieldName)

    ' Add the field to the Rows area
    With pt
        .ManualUpdate = True ' Stops updates until we're done
        pf.Orientation = xlRowField
        pf.Position = 1 ' Position can be adjusted as needed
        .ManualUpdate = False ' Enable updates after we're done
    End With

    ' Optionally, refresh the PivotTable

End Sub


  • ws: Represents the worksheet containing your PivotTable.
  • pt: Refers to the PivotTable object.
  • pf: Represents the specific PivotField you want to add to the Rows area.
  • ManualUpdate: Stops intermediate updates to improve the performance while setting the PivotTable configuration.
  • pf.Orientation = xlRowField: Sets the orientation of the field to the Rows area.
  • pf.Position = 1: Sets the position of the field in the Rows area. You can adjust the position as needed.

Usage Instructions:

  • Open the VBA editor in Excel by pressing `ALT + F11`.
  • Insert a new module by going to `Insert > Module`.
  • Paste the above code into the module.
  • Modify `”Sheet1″`, `”PivotTable1″`, and `”YourFieldName”` to match your worksheet name, PivotTable name, and the field name you want to add.
  • Run the macro by placing the cursor inside the Sub and pressing `F5` or by navigating through `Run > Run Sub/UserForm`.

This will add the specified field to the Rows area of the designated PivotTable. Make sure to replace the placeholder names with the actual names used in your workbook.

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