How to use PRICEMAT function in Excel?

The `PRICEMAT` function in Excel is used to calculate the price per $100 face value of a security that pays interest at maturity. This function is particularly useful for dealing with investments such as Treasury bills or zero-coupon bonds where interest is paid at the end of the investment term.

Here’s how you use the `PRICEMAT` function:


PRICEMAT(settlement, maturity, issue, rate, yld, [basis])


  • `settlement`: The settlement date of the security, or the date on which the security is traded to the buyer. This date must be after the issue date.
  • `maturity`: The maturity date of the security, or the date upon which the security expires.
  • `issue`: The issue date of the security, which is the date on which the security was first issued.
  • `rate`: The interest rate of the security.
  • `yld`: The annual yield of the security.
  • `[basis]`: An optional argument that specifies the day count basis to use. It can be any of the following:
    • `0` or omitted – US (NASD) 30/360
    • `1` – Actual/actual
    • `2` – Actual/360
    • `3` – Actual/365
    • `4` – European 30/360


Suppose you have a security with the following details:

  • Issue date: January 1, 2023
  • Settlement date: March 1, 2023
  • Maturity date: March 1, 2024
  • Annual interest rate: 5%
  • Annual yield: 6%

In Excel, the formula would look like this:

=PRICEMAT("2023-03-01", "2024-03-01", "2023-01-01", 0.05, 0.06, 0)


  • Dates should be entered using the `DATE` function or as results of other formulas or functions. If you enter dates as text, it might result in errors due to misinterpretation of the date formats.
  • Ensure that your Excel environment handles date inputs according to the region’s settings for accurate results.
  • The `PRICEMAT` function assumes a par value of $100.

This function will return the price per $100 face value of the security, considering the given dates, interest rate, and yield. Adjust the `basis` argument as necessary to reflect the specific day count convention applicable to your investment scenario.

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